That Darn Cat!

- Patti?
- [Weakly] Yes?

What kind of a get-up is that
to go surfing in?

Want the crowd
to think you're an eccentric?

Please go on without me.
I don't think I can make it today.

Well, Patti, are you all right?
I've never seen you like this before.

- Can I help?
- It's all right.

I just feel terribly, terribly weak.
[Straining] If you're so weak,
how come I can't get through the door?

Please go, Canoe.
I can't bear you
to see me looking like this.

- [Loud scream]
- [Meowing]

- What was that?
- [Meowing]

- What was what?
- That bloodcurdling scream.

- [Crashing]
- Canoe, will you please go?

I'm sorry. I didn't realize
I was butting in on a murder.

- Oh, don't be silly.
- [Crashing]

You know how DC hates water.
He's having a bath.

By himself?
All right. If you won't go to the beach,
I'll make myself a sandwich.

Kitchen privileges
are temporarily withdrawn.

He's gone.
Pawprints everywhere!
Yeah, except on the card.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Aha. The best pawprint I ever made.
The first point I wish to make
is that time is not on our side.

The word is move,
and move swiftly.

We're gonna follow an informant whose
information may or may not be reliable.

However, he could lead us
to the Miller kidnappers.

Okay, here's the physical.
Name of the informant: DC Randall.

Nationality: Siamese.
Sex: Male.

Eyes: Blue.
Weight: 17 pounds.

- Seventeen pounds?
- Exactly.

Hair, or in this case, fur:
Black streaked with tan and white.
