The Collector

I hope you slept well.
I brought you some cereal.
You'll have to tell me
what you like.

I'll get anything you want.
Where is this? Who are you?
I had to take the nail file
and the scissors out of your bag.

Why have you brought me here?
This is your room.
- Get out of the way!
- Please...

don't oblige me
to use force again.

I demand to be released at once!
It's no good shouting.
You can't be heard.

And anyway,
there's never anyone to hear.

I don't know who you think I am.
If you think I'm someone's rich daughter
and you're gonna get a huge ransom...

you got a shock coming.
I know who you are.
You're Miranda Grey.

Your father's Dr. James Grey
of Reading.

And I know he's not rich.
I know a lot about you,
more than you think.

How do you know that?
Look, what am I doing here?
I hope the clothes fit.
I didn't know your size exactly.
But I've seen you wear
those colors.
