The Collector

- Get out of the way!
- Please...

don't oblige me
to use force again.

I demand to be released at once!
It's no good shouting.
You can't be heard.

And anyway,
there's never anyone to hear.

I don't know who you think I am.
If you think I'm someone's rich daughter
and you're gonna get a huge ransom...

you got a shock coming.
I know who you are.
You're Miranda Grey.

Your father's Dr. James Grey
of Reading.

And I know he's not rich.
I know a lot about you,
more than you think.

How do you know that?
Look, what am I doing here?
I hope the clothes fit.
I didn't know your size exactly.
But I've seen you wear
those colors.

You looked very nice in them.
Wait! No, wait! Don't go!
Wait! Come back!
Please come back!

Please open the door!
Don't leave me, please!
Open the do...
