The Sons of Katie Elder

_ You got five bucks from Peevey.
_ Spend my own money for a drink?

Pa'd come out of his grave
like a scorched cat. Never do that, kid!

_ You just watch. Two whiskeys.
_ Yes, sir.

Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Well, down!
_ Bartender!
_ Yes, sir.

Hey, can a fellow
get a drink on credit around here?

I'll get us another drink!
Beauty! We'll get us a drink
'cause we're going to have a raffle.

_ Raffle what?
_ My eye! My glass eye.

Who'll take a chance
on getting a made_to_order eye?

If you want a drink that bad,
I'll buy you one.

But you wouldn't let a man buy you
a drink if you couldn't buy him one back.

All right, sports! Fifty cents a chance,
just four bits to win a $22 eye.

I always did want a third eye.
_ Are you playing poker or kid games?
_ Kid games! I'm losing money.

_ I'm in.
_ You can look at it, but don't touch it...

_ I'm in!
_ Oh, yeah! Lay that money down.

_ That's nine.
_ I got seven.
