
- L´II tell you next time.
- You won´t!

Don´t give way to your impulses.
Something a woman
might think natural

a bloke will find sickening.
Mrs Artoni at the café called her
husband every time their baby moved.

You don´t realise that men
are more sensitive than women.

Remember that big bird
l´d dance with at the Locarno?

One Sunday night
she showed me her operation scar,

from when she was a kid.
A long scar with white skin round it.

I got straight out of bed
and put my clobber on.

´´What´s up with you? ´´ she says.
´´l´d sooner see a bleeding
horror film, ´´ I said, ´´than that. ´´

Alfie, please.
Can l, you know,
go through with it and have the baby?

What you asking me for?
It´s yours, isn´t it?

Nobody in this world has any right
to stop you doing what you want to.

Steady on, girl. Now, then.
Don´t break your bleeding heart.

If you wanna do something
and you think it´s right, you do it.

To hell with ´em. Mind my shirt.
She was quite happy
them months she was carrying,

which to my mind
was out of place in a way,

her not being married,
Mind you, she came over
quite beautified for a time,

especially in the early months,
I told her. I says, ´´Blimey, girl,
you ain´t as ugly as I thought. ´´

Anyway, her time comes and into
the hospital she goes to have it,

I wasn´t there,
so I didn´t know till they told me,

Then, from all accounts,
the kid comes out a treat,

Right bang on the minute,
you might say,
