
Steady on, girl. Now, then.
Don´t break your bleeding heart.

If you wanna do something
and you think it´s right, you do it.

To hell with ´em. Mind my shirt.
She was quite happy
them months she was carrying,

which to my mind
was out of place in a way,

her not being married,
Mind you, she came over
quite beautified for a time,

especially in the early months,
I told her. I says, ´´Blimey, girl,
you ain´t as ugly as I thought. ´´

Anyway, her time comes and into
the hospital she goes to have it,

I wasn´t there,
so I didn´t know till they told me,

Then, from all accounts,
the kid comes out a treat,

Right bang on the minute,
you might say,

I didn´t see you there.
You look all different.

- What do you mean?
- Well, sort of mumsy.

I put my name down as Mrs Elkins.
Was that alright?

Course it´s alright.
Put your name down as who you like.
It´s a free country, isn´t it?

I brought you some flowers,
but I didn´t want to be seen
carrying them.

That´s nice.
Freesias! How delightful.
l´II put them into a vase for you,
Mrs Elkins.

What do you think
of your son, Mr Elkins?

- My what?
- He hasn´t seen him yet.

Here he is.
He´s the image of his father.
I can see more of me in him than you.
What are you gonna call him?
