
I ain´t a savage.
I ain´t gonna scarper.

But don´t start crying, either.
l´II belt you one for sure.
I don´t feel up to it.
Don´t jump up to him at once.
It don´t do.

You´II grow more attached to each
other, and he won´t go to Mrs Tippet.

Here, mate. That´s enough of that.
l´II give you something to cry for.
Come on now.

There you are.
All you need is a father´s voice.

He´s got a hard life in front of him.
Don´t give him any wrong impression
from the start.

Now, about this little kid of mine,
He turns out
to be a real quick ´un,

And he don´t half love it
when I play games with him,

Never wants his mother,
always asking for his father,

Very soon, I find l´m getting quite
attached to him, Know what I mean?

That´s something
I always guard against,

Because sooner or later
that´s gonna bring you some pain,

So if a bird ain´t got you one way,
she´s got you another,

That´s the trouble.
Once you get a kid in your life,
it ain´t your own.

- Look at the things you have to do.
- Next, please.

Well, you can´t be too careful,
not with hereditary.
