
No smoking, please.
Queer job for a bird,
photographing people´s insides.

Chin on the top, please.
Hands on hips. Shoulders forward.
What´s she think I am,
a bleeding contortionist?

Nice hands, though.
Firm but gentle. Know what I mean?

- I wouldn´t mind her giving me a...
- Hold it.

Next, they´II be taking pictures
of what you´re thinking.

There´II be some X certificates
knocking around.

Sorry l´m late. There was
a traffic jam at Piccadilly.

It´s alright, you´re here now.
I brought you some cherries.
You shouldn´t have done.
Well, we never got that rain
they promised us.

Doesn´t look like it.
You had a hard morning?
The usual.
I don´t like you working on that
brewery bay. It´s no job for a woman.

You get used to it.
- What´s that?
- That ring I was talking about.

- It´s heavy!
- 22 carat. Solid gold.

Same as I say that was my mother´s.
They don´t make rings
like that today.

They made ´em to last then.
- Can I try it on?
- Yeah, go on.

Er, no. No, sorry, but it´s bad luck.
Once you put a wedding ring on,
you should never take it off.

That´s what they say. I don´t know
if there´s anything in it.
