Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il

The old Father tells me
you'll be up and around in a few days.

You're very lucky to have me
so close when it happened.

Think, if you'd been on your own.
l mean, when...
...when one is ill...
...it's good to have somebody close by,
friends or relations.

Do you...
...you have parents, Blondie?
A mother?
Not even a mother.
No one.
You're all alone, huh? Like me, Blondie.
We're all alone in the world.
l have you, you have me.
Only for a little while, l mean.
lt had to happen now.
What a dirty rotten trick of fate!
We could have all that money
in our hands.

l must tell you the truth, Blondie.
ln my place, you would do the same thing.
lt's all over for you now.
There's nothing anyone can do anymore.
