Nevada Smith

but not when l'm running.
Oh, yeah.
l mean, you got lost,
didn't you?

Listen, she was born
and raised here.

She knows every inch
of these swamps.

We've got to have her.
Yeah... well, how you
gonna arrange everything?

And we need a gun.
l know, l know.
You boys better get
your talking done with.

You ain't gonna have
much more time for it.

They're sending
20 men out

to another camp next week.
You're on the list, Max.
Here they come!
Here they come!
Hey, here they come!
Here they come!
Here they come!
Here they come!

Listen, Pilar,
l have to talk to you.

Let's go outside.
Come on.
Listen, Pilar,
they're taking me
out of here next week.

They're taking me
to a new place.

Maybe they'll take you
to a better place,

one that's easier
to get out of.

lt's going to have
stone walls

and we ain't never going
to see each other again.

lf we're going
to get out of here,

it's got to be before that.
l don't know. Getting a boat
by myself-- that's not easy.

lt's the only way.
lf we're going to be together,
we've got to have a boat.
What happens to me then?
l'll take care of you, Pilar.
You bring me the boat,
show me the way
out of here...

l'll make you free...
and l'll start you off
in life real good.

Just treat me nice, Max.
