The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini

Not very bright, either,
but a beautiful figure...

so I've been told.
And heir number three, Myrtle Forbush.
What can I say about her in front of you?
Reggie Ripper, my wicked attorney...
and his vile sidekick, J. Sinister Hulk.
Really, my dear chap,
when you threw in with me...

I told you there might be risks involved.
I know, I know, and I'm game, but listen.
- Is this joint really haunted, like they say?
- Certainly not! Don't be ridiculous!

Hulk, there's a million dollars involved
in this estate, plus the house...

and your job is to take care
of the other heirs. Follow me?

I'm way ahead of you.
The job will be done very neat and tidy,
or my name ain't J. Sinister Hulk.

My associates are on their way now.
I hope they get here soon.
My guests are due any minute.

They will.
This is the greatest bunch of cutthroats
I ever had the pleasure of working with.

Once they eliminate the other heirs,
the fortune will be all mine.

Mine, old bean.
- What?
- Yours, old bean.

That, my dear Cecily, is the enemy.
For my good deed, you're to harass them
and protect the young people.

Gotcha, Hiram.
You'd better be leaving, my dear.
My heirs are arriving
for the reading of my will.

As you say, Hiram.
Wait a minute. The door's that way!
Who needs it?
