The Rare Breed

BOWEN: You still think that bull of yours
could be her mate?

Mr. Bowen, Vindicator's
first calves...

will weigh half again as much
as your longhorn calves...

and they'll be hardy.
She can rip him to tatters
while he's still dancing.

- He'll never beget a calf.
- You're mistaken.

BOWEN: Madam, I've lived half my life here.
And I tell you,
if the longhorns do not kill him...

then the wolves
and the winters will.

And I suppose you agree with him?
Sometimes it gets down
to 20 below, ma'am.

You can see that beast, Mother.
A cow? Good Lord!
I believe that Vindicator
will live long enough...

on the open range to reproduce.
And thas all we can expect of him.
Mother, thas cruel.
Yes, is cruel,
and stupid, and savage.

But then we live among
savage and stupid people.

And the only way to convince them
is on their own terms.

Thas all they understand.

We could build a shelter.
Keep him alive that way.

I can keep roses alive
in a hothouse.

And you've got
a hothouse bull, madam.

Thas not so.
Vindicator does have stamina
and fighting spirit. He does.

My father bred it into him...
and if he has to risk his life
to prove it to you, then he will.

[Solemn instrumental music]
She'll not turn him loose
after what she's seen here.

Yes, she will.
You forget that my husband died...
trying to bring Herefords here
and prove this very point.
