The Rare Breed

And thas all we can expect of him.
Mother, thas cruel.
Yes, is cruel,
and stupid, and savage.

But then we live among
savage and stupid people.

And the only way to convince them
is on their own terms.

Thas all they understand.

We could build a shelter.
Keep him alive that way.

I can keep roses alive
in a hothouse.

And you've got
a hothouse bull, madam.

Thas not so.
Vindicator does have stamina
and fighting spirit. He does.

My father bred it into him...
and if he has to risk his life
to prove it to you, then he will.

[Solemn instrumental music]
She'll not turn him loose
after what she's seen here.

Yes, she will.
You forget that my husband died...
trying to bring Herefords here
and prove this very point.

That woman does not
fear a thing, eh, Sam?

Nothing but dishonesty and dirt.
Do you think your ma
has any cold beef in the cupboard?

- Sure, Jamie.
- And my ma has tortillas.

[Horse approaching]
Get out of sight! And, Conchita,
come back later with tortillas.

HILARY: All right, Vindicator. Come on.
Jamie, you shouldn't be out here.
