The Silencers

with a bullet waiting for
the first person to enter, which is you.

- Are you nuts?
- The tape.

I told you, I don't have any tape!
Watch the elevators.
Tell me if anybody's coming.

You would have let them kill me.
- Yes.
- But why?

- You sadist. You enjoyed that, didn't you?
- Not particularly.

Mr. Helm, now, do I look like
an enemy agent?

I don't know.
I haven't seen all the latest models yet.

- I always seem to be interrupting you.
- Why don't you try knocking?

- Where did you find it?
- None of your business.

No outgoing calls.
I am a citizen,
and I demand to speak to my lawyer.

No chance.
Even a real criminal
has a right to one phone call.

If you don't trust me, then you call yourself.
Area 213, 555-4144.

- All right?
- It could be a signal.

- Maybe it'll smoke them out.
- Here.

Feeling better?
Except for a king-size headache.
