The Silencers

No outgoing calls.
I am a citizen,
and I demand to speak to my lawyer.

No chance.
Even a real criminal
has a right to one phone call.

If you don't trust me, then you call yourself.
Area 213, 555-4144.

- All right?
- It could be a signal.

- Maybe it'll smoke them out.
- Here.

Feeling better?
Except for a king-size headache.
- What happened to Tina?
- She's in her room.

She got a bigger whiff of that stuff than you,
but she's coming around all right.

Hair of the phone that bit me.
- We found the capsule in your pocket.
- Capsule?

- The one with the tape in it.
- Tape? What tape?

The computer tape, Matt. Get it?
The computer tape.

Does Operation Fallout
mean anything to you?

- It's the story of my head.
- It's an international nuclear conspiracy.

Big O's been pouring
millions of dollars into it.

- Unfortunately, that's all we know about it.
- What was on the tape?

The complete timetable
for an underground atomic test.

The test takes place in two days, Matt.
