Torn Curtain

Oh, look, Michael, we could get an apartment.
I mean, I could look after you, shop, cook.
No. It just wouldn't work.
Well, that's that then.
Excuse me.
Well, it's definitely established.
Fifteen suitcases gone astray.

They could be anywhere.
I have an open ticket.
When's the next flight for New York?

I've known them to turn up
in Helsinki on that particular line.

Let's see what the day brings.
The Pan-Am flight left at noon, miss.
There is an SAS flight at 16:45.
Get me a seat on that.
I want to leave as soon as possible.

There's passenger Williamson's golf clubs.
We haven't seen those since Manchester.
What time does Armstrong's
flight leave for Stockholm?

You gave him a ticket this morning.
Aren't golf clubs classified as hand luggage ?
Not since the Warsaw Convention.
There we are. Armstrong. A single ticket.
It's not for Stockholm, miss.
It's the 16:30 flight,
Romanian Airlines, East Berlin.

East Berlin?
But that's behind the Iron Curtain.
Yes, miss.
(Plane Engine Droning)
