A Countess from Hong Kong

- Ah!
- Nature has given us...

the, uh, technological ability to...
...military might, but is built
on the foundation of peace...

and goodwill to all men.
In this atomic age,
only the morality of man...

can help him to survive.
The solution for peace is in truth...
and tolerance and understanding.
- Thank you, gentlemen.
- That will be all, ladies and gentlemen.

- Refreshments over here, please.
- Ogden, I've got to talk to you.

- Not now, old man.
- But, Ogden!

I'm sorry. I need rest.
I'm going back to bed.

Are you kidding? A dame
in your bathroom. I went to get a towel.

I'll talk to you about that later
on the Promenade Deck.

She says she's a stowaway
and she's going to America.

How did she get
into your pyjamas?

Like a fool, I loaned her a pair
of my pyjamas to sleep in.

Well, you'll have to pay her off.
I offered to pay her expenses back
to Hong Kong, but she won't take it.

That's peanuts.
She's out for big dough.

Why don't you get off the boat
and leave her flat?

Too late.
I've gotta do something.
I just can't leave her...

downstairs in that cabin
with my pyjamas.

It puts me in a terrible spot.
What am I gonna do?

All right. Let's go to lunch
and afterwards you let me talk to her.
