Follow That Camel

My dearest Jane,
by the time you receive this letter,

I shall have left this country for good.
The only hope I have of forgetting
the terrible things that have happened

is to join the French Foreign Legion.
Oh, no!
Excuse me.
Oh, never mind, my dear.
His life wouldn't have been worth living here.

- No other cricket club would have accepted him.
- (Sobs) Oh!

- What the...?

Well, cut him down, someone! Cut him down!
He's dripping all over my best carpet!

Excuse me, milady.
Oh, Humphrey! What made you do it? Why?
Bo... Bo didn't trip me.
I... fell...
...on purpose.
Oh, Bo!
Dearest Bo, what have we done to you?
(Camel bellows)
(Cock crows)
- Whoa, Cleo!
- Is this it, Simpson?

Yes, sir. Sidi-bel-Abbès.
- Well, get me down, Simpson.
- Cenrtainly sinr

Hey, you! Arab fellow! Camel up! Obo!
(Camel bellows)
Argh! Ooh!
Aah! Aah! My foot...
- Let go of the thing.
- Damn it, I'll never get used to that!

I expected the back end to go down first.
Oh, well, never mind that.
- Find out where one joins up around here.
- Yes, sir.

BO: Les tnry that café ovenr thenre
Very well, sir.
