Follow That Camel

Bo... Bo didn't trip me.
I... fell...
...on purpose.
Oh, Bo!
Dearest Bo, what have we done to you?
(Camel bellows)
(Cock crows)
- Whoa, Cleo!
- Is this it, Simpson?

Yes, sir. Sidi-bel-Abbès.
- Well, get me down, Simpson.
- Cenrtainly sinr

Hey, you! Arab fellow! Camel up! Obo!
(Camel bellows)
Argh! Ooh!
Aah! Aah! My foot...
- Let go of the thing.
- Damn it, I'll never get used to that!

I expected the back end to go down first.
Oh, well, never mind that.
- Find out where one joins up around here.
- Yes, sir.

BO: Les tnry that café ovenr thenre
Very well, sir.
BO: Anyone home?
Good morning, madam.
My name is Bertram Oliphant West.

Well, I'm sorry, but what can I do about it?
My name is Zigzig.
And what can you do about that?

No, no, you misunderstand me, madam.
I merely wish to ask where one goes
to join the Foreign Legion.

Ah, just one moment.
- I go ask the sergeant.
- Sergeant?

Sergeant Nocker. He is important man
in Legion. He know everything.

Is he here?
Oh, yes.
Perhaps is the married quarters, Simpson.
(Murmurs sleepily)
Ah! (Chuckles)
Hello, sugar date.
Not now, baby. I gotta get some sleep.
