Follow That Camel

- I must check your porthole.
- By all means.

Mademoiselle is travelling alone?
- Yes. Why?
- Uh-huh!

Oh! (Giggles)
What an odd way to check my ponrthole!

(Flies buzz)
(Continuous buzzing)
These damn flies!
I'm sorry, sir. Is all my fault.
Ah, well, Simpson,
only another five more days to go.

Yes, sir, but...
Yes, Simpson, what is it?
Do you think they have worms
in the Sahara, sir?

I don't know. Why?
There's something crawling up my... sir! Help!

Now, steady on, Simpson.
Oh, I can't stand much more of this, sir!
Forgive me, sir, but with your permission,
I think I'll go mad.

- Oh, I've got the worms! The worms!
- Steady on, Simpson. Steady on.

There'll be plenty more of this.
That sergeans got it in for us.

(Groans) Oh, I know, sir.
And just think, sir. He was the one
that told us where to come and enlist.

What do you mean?
Thas Sergeant Nocker, sir.
The one the woman in the cafè went to ask.
He was in the back room. Ooh!

And then, a little while later, he came in looking
a wreck, and staggering about all over the place.

So would l, if I'd spent some time
with that woman, sir.

But he told the Kommandant
he'd just come back from patrol.

And he got decorated for bravery!
Enjoying yourselves, gentlemen?
We're just beginning to, Sergeant.
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Because when I get you out of here,
I'll make your lives so miserable,
you'll be glad to get back in!

Oh, I don't think so, Sergeant.
Not a brave man like you,
who can go out on patrol and kill 50 Riffs
