Se sei vivo spara

Deny it! Deny it!
Make them think you don't have it.
Here he comes.
lt's no good. He says he doesn't
have the gold.

He asked you to let the boy go.
l have a job for you, stranger.
Carry this kid's corpse
back to his father.

Max! You know what to do.
Wait a minute.
l have an idea how
he can be of use to us.

l'll get your gold.
You want to save the boy,
don't you?

Guess l'm getting old.
All right.
You must first shoot
that rope there. . .

. . .the one that ties him to the wall.
l know you're an excellent shot,
so it should be easy for you.

But not so easy after
drinking the rest of this whisky.

How about that?
l want to see if you're a good drinker.
He can get drunk.
Silence! Drinking is like playing.
You need concentration.
