The Reluctant Astronaut

You better brace yourself.
What? What is it?

You remember when your father sent
that application into the government?

You mean the one for me
to be an astronaut?

We don't have to worry
about that.

We have to worry about it now,
Roy, because they have accepted you.

It says so right there.

It says that they have
accepted you as a WB-1074.

Your father took one look at
that and then he ran outdoors...

and he's telling everybody
in town about it.

An astronaut?
Me? An astronaut? I can't even get
up on the chair to get the marmalade.

- Oh, my poor boy.
- Why is Pa always tryin' to run my life?

Well, after all, he was a corporal in World
War I and you know how bossy they were.

But, Ma, that war's
been over for ages.

Not to your father. He loves that
war as much today as he did then.

An astronaut?
Me? An astronaut?
Oh, I should've studied up more on fear
of heights and things when you were young.

I'm so tired of Pa thinkin' he's still
in the army and orderin' me around.

Burt Lancaster was terribly
afraid of the water...

and today,
he is a movie star.

Look, Ma,
I'm 35 years old!

Okay, so I do live at home. I still
don't have to do everything he tells me!

Burt was the most unforgettable
character that month.

Well, I'll tell you something right
now, Ma! I've had it! H-A-D, had it!

And the minute he comes in that door, I'm
gonna tell him, "No soap! I'm not goin'!"

Hi, Mother. Roy!
Roy! Roy! Roy.
Roy, ya made it, boy!
Ya made it!

My boy, an astronaut.
Hey, the whole town knows it, Roy.
Your name is on every tongue in town.

They're all sayin' it:
"Buck Fleming's boy, astronaut!"

Royal has something
to tell you, Arbuckle.

Oh, yeah, that's right,
Pa, I do. Well, shoot.

Well, maybe you better sit down. Ah.
