The Reluctant Astronaut

Anywhere from 90
to a couple hundred miles.

I bet you wouldn't look down for a million
dollars. Sure, it's a beautiful sight.

Never get me to look down.
I don't care how darn beautiful it is.

Reentry's what rough. Suddenly,
you just start to drop there.

And you're sitting backwards,
wondering if that drogue chute...

is ever gonna open and you're
falling and falling and falling.

That's enough.
Don't say anymore.

Makes me dizzy
just to think about it.

That's the personnel office over
there. Oh, well, thanks a lot.

By the way, whatcha gonna be
doing? I'm gonna be an astronaut.

Yes, sir?
I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

That all you're having? I'm gonna go
into the astronaut training program...

and I'm not really sure
what I'm supposed to eat yet.

Will all astronauts report
immediately to Building 9-G.
