The Reluctant Astronaut

Notice how important it is
to conserve your strength, gentlemen.

Excessive breathing has resulted
in clouding of the face mask...

impairing the vision.
Keep in mind that old third
law of Professor Newton:

"For every action, there is an
opposite and equal reaction."

A dirty floor
is a bad floor.

Especially when
you go to wax it.

Now, you have got
to clean it first.

If you don't clean it, then,
brother, what you've got is trouble.

Now, take a close look at the
trouble this man is having.

This, gentlemen,
is the Zlobnik.

To the best of our knowledge,
it is the Russian counterpart to our...

fully automated personnel
capsule, the Eclipse.

Intelligence tells us that they're
getting pretty close to a launch date.

That's why we're accelerating your
training schedule. Please bear with us.

Well, I don't think I've got
anything else. Oh, yes, Major Gifford?

I'd like to see you and the rest of the "A"
team in the training hangar for a press photo...

in five minutes.
Yes, sir.

Now, this here is our new
Jiffy Super 120-C.

And if you don't think
it's important, remember this:

A grain of dust
in the wrong place...

could wreck
the entire space program.

That's all for now.
Get to your stations.

- Oh, Fleming!
- Oh, yes, sir?

Fleming, you've been here
two weeks now...

and I don't think your mind has
been on your work for one second!
