The Reluctant Astronaut

I guess you have a lot of technical
equipment up there, right, Roy?

Technical equipment. You wanna
talk about technical equipment, huh?

Well, I'll tell you about
your technical equipment.

That place is just full
of great big things. Oh.

What about them stimulators?
Oh, Plank.

Not stimulators.
That's simulators.

Yeah, that's it.
What about them?

Well, you wanna know
about simulators.

Well, I guess you all heard
a lot about simulators...

but I'm gonna tell you something
about 'em you never heard before.

They gotta be dusted everyday and
wet-mopped once a week underneath.

Uh, if this is secret stuff,
you don't have to...

No, no, that's okay, Pa.
It's okay. Rush?

Roy, you read a lot
about them centrifuges.

What are they like exactly,
technically speaking?

Technically speaking...
Well, I guess,
technically speaking...

you'd say that that's where
us guys go to get our "G's."

"G's?" Uh, slip of the
lip will sink a ship.

Uh, I better not go too far into
that, Plank. But I will tell you this.

That thing goes so fast
that all the paint starts to peel.

And that paint has to be scraped
and sanded down.

The whole
thing has to be waxed.

That's your centrifuge.
During your reentry, when do
you open your drogue parachute?

Uh, the usual time.
Uh, next question?

- When is that?
- Uh, when it's time. Bert?

Specifically when?
When I darn well please,
that's when! Bert?

what do they get for a haircut
at the center, Roy?

Well, I wouldn't know
about that, Bert.

Nobody touches this head
but you.

