The War Wagon

Throw some water on 'em.
L heard.
Hey, Taw!
- Hello, Billy. - How ya keepin'?

You look worse than you did in jail.
- Nothin' a drink wouldn't fix.

Got anything?
- He's a drunk. - He drinks.

Way he's been shakin', l wouldn't
trust him with a firecracker.

Ls that true, Billy?
- Some folks look at it that way.

But l'm alright, Taw. L can handle it.
There's a lot at stake here.
- L can handle it.

Good enough.
- L don't trust drunks.

Neither do l. But Billy stays here.
And there's nothing stronger than
that cowboy coffee you're drinkin'.

You're sure he knows explosives?
He handles them like you do a gun.
Hope you know what you're doin'.
That'll be Wes.
Come on, come on.
Sit down! - What's she doing here?
- She goes every place l go.

Lomax, this is Fletcher.
He's going to haul the gold away.

Why him?
- L work for Pierce.

Nobody'll find half a million in gold
in Pierce's own flour barrel.
