The War Wagon

But l'm alright, Taw. L can handle it.
There's a lot at stake here.
- L can handle it.

Good enough.
- L don't trust drunks.

Neither do l. But Billy stays here.
And there's nothing stronger than
that cowboy coffee you're drinkin'.

You're sure he knows explosives?
He handles them like you do a gun.
Hope you know what you're doin'.
That'll be Wes.
Come on, come on.
Sit down! - What's she doing here?
- She goes every place l go.

Lomax, this is Fletcher.
He's going to haul the gold away.

Why him?
- L work for Pierce.

Nobody'll find half a million in gold
in Pierce's own flour barrel.

Half a million?
When do we split it up?

Wouldn't be too smart to flash gold
around right after the robbery.

We should wait about six months.
- Six months?

Let's don't spend it before we get it.
Hands off my wife! - L thought she was
your daughter. - Well, she ain't!

- You keep away from her!

A drunk kid and a crazy old man!
- Cut it out, all of ya!

You're not here to be
the best of friends. We've work to do,

and only three days to do it in.
Come on over here.

This map shows the run
from Emmett to El Paso.

Ln the morning, Billy, l want you
to ride it and check these two places.

Find out
how much dynamite you're gonna need.

The wagon takes five and a half
minutes to cross Stony Flats.

That's where we'll hit it first.
