To Sir, with Love

First, the alarm didn´t go off.
Then l had to wait hours for a bus.

l must have stood there
three bleeding hours...

There are two ways to enter a room.
One is like an adult,
a lady with dignity.

The other is like a brat.
Miss Dare has shown us the second way.
Perhaps you´d demonstrate the first.

l´m sorry l´m late.
...we are all going to observe
certain courtesies in this classroom.

You will call me
Sir or Mr. Thackeray.

The young ladies will be
addressed as Miss...

...the boys by their surnames.
Why should we call them Miss?
We know them.

l beg your pardon?
l said, why should we
call them Miss?

We know them.
ls there a young lady you feel...
...does not deserve to be
addressed as Miss?

- No, Sir.
- Good.

Next, general deportment.
First, the young ladies.
They must prove worthy of
the courtesies we will show them.

Soon, boyfriends and marriage
will concern you.

No man likes a slut for long.
Only the worst type will marry one.
And the competition for men
on the outside is rough.

Next, men.
