2001: A Space Odyssey

Good evening.
Three weeks ago, the American spacecraft,
Discovery One...

...left on its half-billion mile voyage
to Jupiter.

This marked the first manned attempt
to reach this distant planet.

Earlier this afternoon, "The World Tonight"
recorded an interview...

...with the crew of Discovery at a distance
of80 million miles from Earth.

It took seven minutes for our words
to reach the giant spacecraft...

...but this time delay has been edited
from this recording.

Our reporter, Martin Amer,
speaks to the crew.

The crew of Discovery One
consists of five men...

...and one of the latest generation
of the HAL-9000 computers.

Three of the five men
were put aboard asleep...

...or to be more precise,
in a state of hibernation.

They were Dr. Charles Hunter,
Dr. Jack KimballandDr. Victor Kaminsky.

We spoke with Mission Commander,
Dr. David Bowman...

...and his deputy, Dr. Frank Poole.
Well, good afternoon, gentlemen.
How is everything going?

Marvellous. We have no...
we have no complaints.

Well, I'm very glad to hear that
and I'm sure that the entire world...

...would join me in wishing you
a safe and successful voyage.
