Corri, uomo, corri

Th!s !s ManueI Sanchez,
aI!as ""Cuch!IIo"".

Cuch!IIo !s an oId fr!end and
deserves to be treated d!fferentIy.

Know why he's caIIed
Cuch!IIo (The Kn!fe )?

That's why!
Not yet!
L!ft up that foot.
L!ft !t up.

The other one.
You know, w!th aII those kn!ves,
he wouId be hard to beat.

Now we can throw you beh!nd bars,
r!ght, Cuch!IIo?

If !t's r!ght for you,
!t has to be r!ght for me.

You see? It's a Iucky th!ng
I knew that bastard.

Papa. . .
Can't you g!ve me a ceII of my own?
You won't be together for Iong.
Th!s one !s Ieav!ng tomorrow.

Pres!dent D!az granted h!m a pardon.
God onIy knows why.

Is he dangerous?
Very! Mr. Ram!rez !s a poet.
. . .^, 7, 8, 9, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 2, 1 3, 1 4.
1 4 buIIets.
One day I'II have the sat!sfact!on
of count!ng 1 4 hoIes. . .
