Corri, uomo, corri

You see? It's a Iucky th!ng
I knew that bastard.

Papa. . .
Can't you g!ve me a ceII of my own?
You won't be together for Iong.
Th!s one !s Ieav!ng tomorrow.

Pres!dent D!az granted h!m a pardon.
God onIy knows why.

Is he dangerous?
Very! Mr. Ram!rez !s a poet.
. . .^, 7, 8, 9, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 2, 1 3, 1 4.
1 4 buIIets.
One day I'II have the sat!sfact!on
of count!ng 1 4 hoIes. . .

. . .on those Frenchmen of the
secret serv!ce.

They are th!ck-sk!nned, aII r!ght.
They came as h!red k!IIers w!th
Max!m!I!an of Austr!a. . .

. . .then stayed on w!th Juarez,
and now they are w!th D!az.

They w!II bury us aII and our fIags, too.
He has come.
Can you foIIow me, pIease?

Ass!gnment compIete, as far as
I can see, CoIoneI Sev!gny. Very good.

That rebeI gave us
a great deaI of troubIe.

Yes, but not so much as to d!sturb
a m!n!ster, just to check on h!s death.

I d!dn't come here for the m!ss!on
you compIeted.

It's about the one com!ng next week.
There's a man !n Torreon Pr!son.

He has been pardoned and
they're sett!ng h!m Ioose tomorrow.
