
Don't let it scare you.
I didn't go near her.

I'd appreciate it if you
went back to New Orleans...

and grabbed the first plane
to Houston.

I'd appreciate knowing why
everyone is so concerned...

about my being at a fire.
Upsetting my father?
Why should it?

- Well...
- Well, what?

Well, uh, uh...
Nothing. It's just...
you shouldn't be here.

Well, I am, so let's
take it from there.

There's nothing to do here.
We're just sittin' around
playin' gin.

Lovely. You two look
like pigeons.

What're you playin' for?
It's out! It's out!
Oh, no!
Oh, my God!
What's the matter?
We wake you up?

You knew I wanted to be here
when you put the fire out.

We didn't put the fire out. We missed.
We gotta go for another shot.

Good. Then
I made it after all.

Tish, they know you're
Chance's daughter.

Now, what's the matter with you,
bargin' in here with no clothes on?
