
- Hi, Joe.
- How'd you get here?

In that.
Tish, what the hell
are you doin' here?

At least you didn't ask me
how I got here.

I thought I'd drop by
and see what was going on,

as long as I was this close.
New Orleans is
a hundred miles from here!

It's practically
in the neighborhood.

You know, you ought to
put on a little weight.

Don't bother.
I'm family.

I take it you've been
to the fire.

- Yes.
- Then you've seen about everything there is.

What about your
putting it out?

The drilling contractor has to rerig his
pumps. He won't be ready 'til tomorrow.

I don't mind waiting.
There are lots of rooms.

The manager's complaining
about you stopping traffic.

- You're murdering his business.
- What happened to your friend?

I picked a terrible time to visit her.
She's got the mumps.

Don't let it scare you.
I didn't go near her.

I'd appreciate it if you
went back to New Orleans...

and grabbed the first plane
to Houston.

I'd appreciate knowing why
everyone is so concerned...

about my being at a fire.
Upsetting my father?
Why should it?

- Well...
- Well, what?

Well, uh, uh...
Nothing. It's just...
you shouldn't be here.

Well, I am, so let's
take it from there.

There's nothing to do here.
We're just sittin' around
playin' gin.

Lovely. You two look
like pigeons.

What're you playin' for?
