Histoires extraordinaires

Good God!
You again, as usual!

We were both expelled.
It took me a long time to forget.
0bviously this childhood incident
has always haunted you.

- Before you leave...
- Let me finish!

Several years later
I enrolled in medicine,

out of curiosity.
I remind you that a doctor
is also a sorcerer.

We shall seek life
in the depths of matter.

And now I have the pleasure
of dissecting before you

a human body
which has always been
the dream of priests,

poets or philosophers.
To be precise, I shall open
a human heart.

If we were dealing with
a live body,

we'd process in this fashion.
Going laterally from the sternum,
between the 6th and 7th rib,

we'd find the apex of the heart.
But in the present case,
we shall section

all the ribs of the sub-auxiliary
region on the left

and the right
as far as the sternum.
