Spalovac mrtvol

Banana flies,
used for heredity tests.

This one is a Drosophila
Funebris, the funeral fly.

Would you like the collection?
I'll let it go cheap...
for just a pinch of morphine.

I have a weakness
for such... decorations.

We have a butterfly
pinned on the bathroom wall.

But where would I get morphine?
I don't even smoke.

That friend of yours
is a chemical engineer...

Mr. Reinke is out of town.
It's mobilization, Mr. Fenek.

When he comes back then.
I still have a bit left.

I came in early...
so I could see you.
There are better
things to look at.

How long have you
been living like this?

Do you find meaning in life
by cleaning every morning?

Times are hard -
it's mobilization.

You need someone to cling to,
to protect you.

Let's talk about it
later tonight.

What's the matter?
I frightened Mrs. Liskova.
Mr. Kopfrkingl, a crematorium
is no place for jokes.

You're right, times are bad.
I wanted to invite her to
our place for a change of pace.

Maybe some other time.
Well, Mr. Kopfrkingl!
Do come in.
