The Charge of the Light Brigade

Prepare to mount. Mount.
Move like a Highgate whore,
put some spring into your back.

You'll not learn nothing
from watching this...

...but l should stay watching.
l want you,
what your name is, on the right.

Your name, on the right!
Do you not know your right?

You, on the right!
Where l'm pointing now!

You! l want you to watch this blade...
...for should it waver,
slice it down fairly through my head...

:20:46 hard as you can. Face front!
You've got no hooks on!
Sergeant, on the left.

Hooks is spurs.

You will wear your hooks at all times.
Sgt. Smith, what he is doing,
don't look down...

:21:15 marking you right from left.
He can read,
so he knows his left from right.

What you've got there is a new foot...
:21:27 army foot you've never had before.
lt's like a foreign language to them.
They don't know any direction,
back or front.

They'll never find their front
when there isn't a black face to it.

l always tell them,
they'll know their front...

...from the many black nigger faces
waving knives at them.

What we will do now is finding left.
Try it.
Try straw foot forward.
