The Charge of the Light Brigade


You will wear your hooks at all times.
Sgt. Smith, what he is doing,
don't look down...

:21:15 marking you right from left.
He can read,
so he knows his left from right.

What you've got there is a new foot...
:21:27 army foot you've never had before.
lt's like a foreign language to them.
They don't know any direction,
back or front.

They'll never find their front
when there isn't a black face to it.

l always tell them,
they'll know their front...

...from the many black nigger faces
waving knives at them.

What we will do now is finding left.
Try it.
Try straw foot forward.
That officer....
Capt. Nolan, my lord.
Does that black savage belong to him?
Capt. Nolan has served in lndia
and has an lndian servant.

That's no excuse.
Who are you, sir?
l am Capt. William Morris
of the 17th Lancers.

-Are you another of these damned lndians?
-He is an old--

Don't tell me of lndia,
you and your black rogue.

No use rubbing under it.
Officers who have served in lndia...
...are considered less worth
than those who purchase their way...
