The Charge of the Light Brigade

...though perhaps it will put
some sap in your pizzle.

Does this tomfoolery make officers?
Perhaps, but it makes comrades.
Do you think we could have some Moselle,

-Of course. A bottle of Moselle, please.
-Thank you.

We always depend upon
being seen to do our duty.

l know if l'm up to something glorious
in the field, l insist upon being seen.

There ain't much point, otherwise.
-What color is the Russian enemy?
-Sneaky color.

Gray. Your Russian is gray,
which is why he can't be seen...

...which is why his promotion is slow.
There ain't one above a corporal
in the whole lot...

...which is why we will cut 'em up.
With a little breeding,
an Englishman can buy his advancement.

He and l are not able
to buy our advancement.

We've had to obtain it by our abilities.
No use decanting it.
You can leave it on the table.

Thank you.
Couleur de Noir.
You are drinking beer, sir, porter beer.
-No, my lord.

-See it.

No, my lord.
Don't you ''no'' me. That is a black bottle.
l assure you, my lord.
That is a black bottle,
and you are drinking porter from it.

Champagne only.
ln point of fact, l asked Capt. Nolan--
-You knew that!
-l am not aware.

l am aware
you are drinking porter at my table.

Sit down, Capt. Nolan.
Sit down, Featherstonehaugh.
What his Lordship said was that
champagne only would be drunk...

:34:59 the mess tonight. What he said....
