The Charge of the Light Brigade

One day, there will be an army where
troopers need not be forced to fight...

:48:13 floggings and hard reins.
An army...
...a Christian army,
that fights because it is paid well to fight...

...and fights well because its women
and children are cared for...

:48:27 army that is efficient
and of a professional feather.

I must fight for such an army.
Dear friend.
That army will bring the first
of the modern wars...

...and the last of the gallop.
-lt does look like war.
-Does it?

l do think the French have been
asking for it for some time...

...ever since they had my arm.
But it won't be the French
this time, will it?

Won't it be the French?
l've got a map somewhere
of who it ought to be.

-Will you see Capt. Nolan, 11th Hussars?

Well, it might be the French,
it might always be the French.

l knew it would be.
Nolan, Capt. Nolan, sir.
-Have you got a map?
-My lord, may l ask--

Speak up, he's a bit deaf when
he's thinking, and that statue doesn't help.

My lord.
You're the chap.
You've been shouting at Lord Cardigan.

Calling him things.
You've put the army in the newspapers.
My lord, l request the privilege
of being granted a court-martial.
