The Shakiest Gun in the West

Now, wait a minute!
J-Just wait a minute!

I-I don't even know you.
I'm crazy about you.
Isn't that enough?

Now then, the witnesses there, Mrs.
Longbaugh and Slosh White, are 25 cents each,

payable immediately
following the ceremony.

Fine. Speed it up.
The wagon train leaves in an hour.

This is so sudden,
Miss Cushings.

I mean, you just don't fix a tooth
one minute and get married the next.

The song is 50 cents extra.
Would you like the song?

Yes. Fine, fine.
Oh, promise me
that someday...

Let's go, Reverend!
During the music?

Well, all right.
Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here...

Now wait a minute!
Hold it!

I can't get married
without telling my mother.

There isn't any time. We've
got to catch the wagon train,

uh, uh, uh...

My mother will just
never forgive me for this.

We are assembled here in the presence
of God to join together this man...

Now wa... We're strangers.
You know that, don't you?

I'd at least like you
to meet my mother.

Speed it up, Reverend.
He has instructed those who have
entered into this relationship, etc.

That's not Episcopalian!
By the authority invested
in me by the Church,

I declare that you, Penelope,
and, uh, you, uh...

And you, Jesse,
are hereby man and wife.

Attaboy, Reverend!
Now, just hold it!

I don't feel at all that this is
actually... I mean, the whole... the thing...

We'd better hurry if we want
to catch that wagon train.

Well, well, well. You did it,
ma'am. What's the new name?
