Cactus Flower

Doctor, I'm no sex goddess,
but I haven't spent my life in a tree.

I was married when I was very young,
but it didn't work out.

- Married? I had no idea.
- Neither did he.

And once I was very much in love.
It lasted for a long time, but...

- But?
- He couldn't leave his wife.

- Him, too.
- What do you mean, "him, too"?

Nothing. I was thinking of a similar case.
In this job,
you don't meet anything but married men.

I suppose all the single ones
have good teeth.

Frankly, I hadn't planned on being
an old maid.

An old maid? Nonsense.
You've got a long way to go.

I've been talking an awful lot
and I'm afraid I'll be late for dinner.

Miss Dickinson.
I'm glad we had this little talk.
You're a very rare person:
sensitive and generous.

Yes, I guess I'm all right.
I have a feeling that if I found myself
in trouble, I could count on you for help.

You know that's true, Doctor.
But sometimes a problem comes up
that's so difficult that...

Why don't you try me?
Miss Dickinson,
you could do me a great service.

You see I'm desperately in need of a wife.
- Please, don't misunderstand me.
- I never expected...

I need a wife temporarily,
fifteen or twenty minutes.

Fifteen or twenty minutes?
I'm telling all of this very badly.
I want someone
to play the part of my wife.

- Someone like me.
- lf only you would.

It wouldn't involve any...
All you'd have to do is tell a certain person
that you want a divorce.

You see,
I've suddenly decided to get married.

- I guess I didn't tell you.
- No, you didn't tell me.
