La Caduta degli dei

Dejad... Dejad...
Let it... Let it...
Me di cuenta enseguida
de lo que iba a hacer. Lo entendí.

I realized immediately what she was
about to do. I understood.

No sé por qué, pero lo entendí.
I don't know why, but I understood.
No me moví. No la paré.
I did not move. I did nothing to stop her.
Me senté en la habitación de Olga
sin mover un dedo.

I sat in Olga's room
without moving a finger.

Había un silencio sepulcral.
There was a deathly silence all around.
Y cuando llegó la noche,
allí estaba yo, esperando.

And when night came,
I stayed there, waiting.

Calm yourself.
I didn't bring you here to blackmail you.

Konstantin has already tried.
It didn't bring him any luck.
And then to put you in real trouble,
you, the son of a hero...

the true hero, the only von Essenbeck.
