Passion, En

It's so hard when you one day realize that you're useless, that no one needs you-
-even though you're ready to give of yourself.
It's my own fault I guess. But it's paralyzing me.
I want to do so many things. I make up so many plans.
But then Elis says; "Don't do it like this. Don't do it like that. Do it this way."-
-and everything come to nothing.
No! I'm not going to blame it on Elis.
Everything goes wrong for me. And Elis.. No I won't.. I won't blame Elis.
Hello? Hello.
I've been calling home many times, but no one is answering. She's usually awake in the night. I'm worried.
Would you be so kind and go down and check that everything is in order? Tell Eva I was worried.
She doesn't need to call back. Call me back as soon as possible.
