The Gypsy Moths

- Do you remember them very well?
- No.

No, I don't.
Your mother was a beautiful woman.
- A wonderful woman.
- Malcolm? Hey, kid?

It's clouding up.
I don't want those chutes left out.

- What should we do with them?
- You can put the trailer in the garage.

Thanks, Mr. Brandon.
That'd be fine if you don't mind.

The radio did say rain.
They're wrong nine times out of ten.
I'll get an accurate report out at the field.

Actually, the forecast was for showers
in the morning.

See? Showers in the morning.
It couldn't hurt us. Customers will come.

Forget about the customers.
If the chutes get damp, we don't jump.

The chutes will be in the garage,
so they won't get damp. Stop worrying.

The garage, dry!
Besides, like Rettig says, we have
to make it interesting for ourselves.

Now there are several places
you can wear a chute:

On your back.
On your chest.
Or you can sit on it.
Now, ladies, this particular parachute...
...this one I'm wearing,
is called a Para-Commander.

It's a sophisticated chute and quite heavy,
as you can see.

It takes quite a bit of practice
to get used to.

In fact, it takes between 25
and sometimes 50 jumps...

...with a training chute,
before you can handle this baby.

I mention it in case some of you ladies
thought you might like to try it once.

This device here is your ripcord handle.
This, when pulled sharply,
opens your pack.

Now watch this.
