The Gypsy Moths

Now there are several places
you can wear a chute:

On your back.
On your chest.
Or you can sit on it.
Now, ladies, this particular parachute...
...this one I'm wearing,
is called a Para-Commander.

It's a sophisticated chute and quite heavy,
as you can see.

It takes quite a bit of practice
to get used to.

In fact, it takes between 25
and sometimes 50 jumps...

...with a training chute,
before you can handle this baby.

I mention it in case some of you ladies
thought you might like to try it once.

This device here is your ripcord handle.
This, when pulled sharply,
opens your pack.

Now watch this.
This is your pilot chute.
This is what pulls your canopy
completely out of the pack.

Like this.
These are your suspension lines.
You can see they extend some 25 feet
from the harness there to the canopy.

When the canopy pops open,
you're traveling down toward the earth...

:22:33 a speed of 125 to 200 miles per hour,
depending on the angle of the body.

Yes, ma'am?
What is a canopy?
This, ma'am. This is a canopy.
Not to be confused
with some of the canapés you ladies...

...might have with a martini before dinner.
