The Love God?

This is horrible.
This is just horrible.

But I gave Mr. Shrader
and Mr. Rich all the facts.

Yes, I know!
They told me.

Some cockamamie story
about you chasing a bird...

all through some
South American jungle.

Even if it were true, even if I
believed it, I'd be laughed out of court.

You'd have wound up in jail.
Abner, you can't do this to us!

You can't do this to the cause
of Constitutional liberty!

But all I want is to go back
and publish my bird magazine!

Ha-ha! Bird magazine!
Abner, don't you realize...
that people all over the world
have fought for you?

They've had their heads broken,
been thrown into jail...

for your right to publish
a filthy magazine?

I'm sorry, but I just can't
publish a dirty magazine.

You've got to prove to the world
just how free our press is!

B-But I wouldn't know the first
thing about publishing filth.

You're young!
You can learn.

Abner is a clean,
decent human being.

Just when our country needs
a dirty little degenerate,

we're stuck with a clean,
decent human being!

It's Attorney General Snow!
Your good name! What about the
good name of your country...

with the world
watching a jury...

reaffirm your Constitutional
right to publish filth?

So what happens?
You come out with some namby-pamby
magazine about the birds and flowers!

Just birds. The flowers is a
field. We never went into it.

Abner Peacock,
if you love your country, you'll
publish a filthy magazine.

Abner! I heard all about it. Uncle Amos.!
Don't worry, I'm not gonna
publish any dirty magazine.

Don't you ever think
of anybody but yourself?

Your associate has been
kind enough to explain...

that there are millions
to be made;

that an important financier is backing
the magazine with hundreds of thousands.!
