The Love God?

we're stuck with a clean,
decent human being!

It's Attorney General Snow!
Your good name! What about the
good name of your country...

with the world
watching a jury...

reaffirm your Constitutional
right to publish filth?

So what happens?
You come out with some namby-pamby
magazine about the birds and flowers!

Just birds. The flowers is a
field. We never went into it.

Abner Peacock,
if you love your country, you'll
publish a filthy magazine.

Abner! I heard all about it. Uncle Amos.!
Don't worry, I'm not gonna
publish any dirty magazine.

Don't you ever think
of anybody but yourself?

Your associate has been
kind enough to explain...

that there are millions
to be made;

that an important financier is backing
the magazine with hundreds of thousands.!

Lisa LaMonica herself has quit
Finesse to edit the new Peacock.

Lisa LaMonica!

Even if you don't want
to go along with it,

have the decency to see her
tomorrow and tell her to her face.

I guess it would be
the decent thing to do.

Abner, if you think so, then it
must be the decent thing to do.

All right. I'll tell her.
But Rose Ellen, tomorrow night,
after it's all over,

I want you to be sitting
on the swing of your veranda,

because I'm gonna come
callin' on you...

to ask you something
very important.

I'll be waiting, Abner.
There he is!
