The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

in one way or another.
Benito Mussolini
is a great man.

He began life
as a journalist...

a man of learning,
an intellectual...

but he is also
a man of action.

He has made Capri
into a sanctuary for birds.

A simple act of goodness...
If you all turn to page 25 of your
geography books, you'll find a map of Capri.

It's off the coast of Naples.
It is because of II Duce
thousands of birds live and sing there today...

that might well have ended
their careers on a piece of toast.

Miss Gaunt,
is there something you wanted?

Thank you.
"Dear Miss Brodie,
I hope it will be convenient for you...

"to see me in my office
this afternoon at 4:15.

Emmaline Mackay."
4:15. Not 4:00.
Not 4:30, but 4:15.

She thinks to intimidate me
by the use of quarter hours.

Now, as I was
attempting to say...

Benito Mussolini
is indeed a man of action.

Come in.
4:15. I was afraid
I might be late, or early.

Not at all.
You are most punctilious.

Thank you
for finding the time.

I know how busy
your girls keep you.

- Please, sit down.
- Oh. Thank you.

What a colorful frock.
Color enlivens the spirit,
does it not?
