The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

and three, Mary's death.
Miss Brodie, aren't you concerned
at all with Mary's death?

I grieve for Mary.
It was because of you
she went!

Because of me?
It was her brother.

The poor, unfortunate girl
hadn't anyone else in the world.

She had you.
That was her misfortune.

To please you, that silly, stupid girl
ran off and got herself killed!

Don't you feel
responsible for that?

No, I feel responsible
for giving her ideals...

The ideals that
sent her to Spain.

I feel responsible for teaching her
that service to a cause is a privilege.

You call it a privilege
to be killed?

And for nothing.

You really are
a shallow girl, Sandy.

By the way she died,
Mary McGregor illumined her life.

- She died a heroine.
- She died a fool!

Joining her brother to fight for Franco...
wasn't that just like Mary?

Her brother is fighting
for the other side.

- Her brother...
- Her brother is fighting for the Republicans!

Mary was headed
for the wrong army!

Oh, Mary McGregor!
"Mary McGregor."
I used to wonder why
you always called Mary by her full name.

I think it was because you had
such a hard time remembering who she was.

Poor, dim Mary.
I was devoted to Mary.
No, you were only attracted to Mary
because she had no one else...

and she was
so totally suggestible.

She appealed
to your vanity!

It was you
who betrayed me.

I didn't betray you!
I simply
put a stop to you!

Oh, I see.
No, you don't see.
You don't see that
you're not good for people.

In what way?
