The Reivers

My mother's father, Grandfather Lessep...
died that year, at home...
in the same room, and in the same bed,
he had been born in.

We didn't fear death in those days,
because we believed that...

your outside was
just what you lived in and slept in...

and had no connection with what you were.
But we did take funerals seriously...
and so my family traveled to Bay St. Louis...
to see the old man ceremoniously
to his final rest.

I want the automobile locked
in the carriage house.

I don't want you to drive it while I'm away.
- You own it.
- You remember it.

Lucius, I don't believe we've ever
left you alone at home before.

However, I expect your behavior
will be a credit to the family.

Don't be rude to Callie,
and don't be advised by Boon.

He knows no obstacles, counts no costs,
fears no dangers.

- Yes, sir.
- All aboard.

I know you're sometimes afraid
to sleep by yourself.

Don't be. Trust in the Lord.
He's up all night.
